Chhattisgarh Corona Update: छत्तीसगढ़ में एक दिन में मिले 31 कोरोना मरीज, जानिए प्रदेश में कितने एक्टिव केस ?
Corona virus case in Chhattisgarh: छत्तीसगढ़ में लगातार कोरोना मरीजों की संख्या बढ़ने से स्वास्थ्य विभाग की चिंता बढ़ गई है। प्रदेश में शनिवार को एक ही दिन में 31 नए कोरोना मरीज मिले हैं। सबसे ज्यादा रायगढ़ में 14 और रायपुर में 10 कोरोना मरीज मिले हैं। अब छत्तीसगढ़ में एक्टिव मरीजों की संख्या 66 हो गई है।
रायपुर में फिलहाल 15 एक्टिव मरीज हैं। रायगढ़ में जहां एक्टिव मरीजों की संख्या 22 है, वहीं दुर्ग में 12 केस हैं। बस्तर में आज एक मरीज मिला है, बस्तर में कुल मरीजों की संख्या अब 6 हो गई है।
पैनिक होने की जरुरत नहीं
एक्सपर्ट्स का कहना है कि पूरे देश में कोरोना के मामलों में इजाफा इसलिए देखा जा रहा है, क्योंकि फिर से कोविड जांच की संख्या बढ़ा दी गई है। इसलिए पैनिक होने की जरूरत नहीं है। क्योंकि संख्या जितनी भी बढ़ जाए, इस वैरिएंट में गंभीर बीमारी की क्षमता नहीं देखी जा रही है।
डॉक्टरों का कहना है कि कोरोना का नया वैरिएंट बहुत माइल्ड है। ज्यादातर मरीजों को अस्पताल में भर्ती करने की जरूरत नहीं है। लेकिन बदलते मौसम के बीच बढ़ रहे कोविड केस से लोगों की चिंता जरूर बढ़ गई है।
Chhattisgarh Corona Update: Corona has once again knocked in Korea district. A year later, a case of Corona has been found. However, he has been placed on home isolation in Characha of Baikunthpur block. The test was conducted two days ago, whose RTPCR report has come positive.
In Chhattisgarh, 31 new new patients of Corona were found on Saturday. The maximum number of patients have been found in Raigad and 10 Corona patients in Raipur. Now the number of active patients in the state has increased to 66. There are currently 15 active cases in Raipur.
While the number of active patients in Raigad is 22, there are 12 cases in the fort. Even today, 2 patients have been found in Bastar, now the total number of patients in Bastar has increased to 6.
Doctors say that the new variant of Korona is very light. Most patients do not need to be hospitalized. But in the midst of the changing weather, the concern of the people has definitely increased due to the increasing Kovid cases.
Kovid Hospital prepared in Baikunthpur
Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. RS Sengar says that other viruses become active anyway during the winter season. Therefore a person should be vigilant. Prevention methods should be adopted. He said that 93 -bed with 93 -bed in Baikunthpur and 50 -bed Kovid Hospital in Characha is fully prepared at this time.
No need to panic
Experts say that there is an increase in cases of Corona across the country because the number of Kovid Tests has been increased again. So there is no need to panic. Because no matter how much the number increases, this variant does not show the ability to cause serious illness.
Chhattisgarh Corona Update: Corona has once again knocked in Korea district. A year later, a case of Corona has been found. However, he has been placed on home isolation in Characha of Baikunthpur block. The test was conducted two days ago, whose RTPCR report has come positive.
In Chhattisgarh, 31 new new patients of Corona were found on Saturday. The maximum number of patients have been found in Raigad and 10 Corona patients in Raipur. Now the number of active patients in the state has increased to 66. There are currently 15 active cases in Raipur.
While the number of active patients in Raigad is 22, there are 12 cases in the fort. Even today, 2 patients have been found in Bastar, now the total number of patients in Bastar has increased to 6.
Doctors say that the new variant of Korona is very light. Most patients do not need to be hospitalized. But in the midst of the changing weather, the concern of the people has definitely increased due to the increasing Kovid cases.
Kovid Hospital prepared in Baikunthpur
Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. RS Sengar says that other viruses become active anyway during the winter season. Therefore a person should be vigilant. Prevention methods should be adopted. He said that 93 -bed with 93 -bed in Baikunthpur and 50 -bed Kovid Hospital in Characha is fully prepared at this time.
No need to panic
Experts say that there is an increase in cases of Corona across the country because the number of Kovid Tests has been increased again. So there is no need to panic. Because no matter how much the number increases, this variant does not show the ability to cause serious illness.
Chhattisgarh Corona Update: Corona has once again knocked in Korea district. A year later, a case of Corona has been found. However, he has been placed on home isolation in Characha of Baikunthpur block. The test was conducted two days ago, whose RTPCR report has come positive.
In Chhattisgarh, 31 new new patients of Corona were found on Saturday. The maximum number of patients have been found in Raigad and 10 Corona patients in Raipur. Now the number of active patients in the state has increased to 66. There are currently 15 active cases in Raipur.
While the number of active patients in Raigad is 22, there are 12 cases in the fort. Even today, 2 patients have been found in Bastar, now the total number of patients in Bastar has increased to 6.
Doctors say that the new variant of Korona is very light. Most patients do not need to be hospitalized. But in the midst of the changing weather, the concern of the people has definitely increased due to the increasing Kovid cases.
Kovid Hospital prepared in Baikunthpur
Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. RS Sengar says that other viruses become active anyway during the winter season. Therefore a person should be vigilant. Prevention methods should be adopted. He said that 93 -bed with 93 -bed in Baikunthpur and 50 -bed Kovid Hospital in Characha is fully prepared at this time.
No need to panic
Experts say that there is an increase in cases of Corona across the country because the number of Kovid Tests has been increased again. So there is no need to panic. Because no matter how much the number increases, this variant does not show the ability to cause serious illness.
Chhattisgarh Corona Update: Corona has once again knocked in Korea district. A year later, a case of Corona has been found. However, he has been placed on home isolation in Characha of Baikunthpur block. The test was conducted two days ago, whose RTPCR report has come positive.
In Chhattisgarh, 31 new new patients of Corona were found on Saturday. The maximum number of patients have been found in Raigad and 10 Corona patients in Raipur. Now the number of active patients in the state has increased to 66. There are currently 15 active cases in Raipur.
While the number of active patients in Raigad is 22, there are 12 cases in the fort. Even today, 2 patients have been found in Bastar, now the total number of patients in Bastar has increased to 6.
Doctors say that the new variant of Korona is very light. Most patients do not need to be hospitalized. But in the midst of the changing weather, the concern of the people has definitely increased due to the increasing Kovid cases.
Kovid Hospital prepared in Baikunthpur
Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. RS Sengar says that other viruses become active anyway during the winter season. Therefore a person should be vigilant. Prevention methods should be adopted. He said that 93 -bed with 93 -bed in Baikunthpur and 50 -bed Kovid Hospital in Characha is fully prepared at this time.
No need to panic
Experts say that there is an increase in cases of Corona across the country because the number of Kovid Tests has been increased again. So there is no need to panic. Because no matter how much the number increases, this variant does not show the ability to cause serious illness.
Chhattisgarh Corona Update: Corona has once again knocked in Korea district. A year later, a case of Corona has been found. However, he has been placed on home isolation in Characha of Baikunthpur block. The test was conducted two days ago, whose RTPCR report has come positive.
In Chhattisgarh, 31 new new patients of Corona were found on Saturday. The maximum number of patients have been found in Raigad and 10 Corona patients in Raipur. Now the number of active patients in the state has increased to 66. There are currently 15 active cases in Raipur.
While the number of active patients in Raigad is 22, there are 12 cases in the fort. Even today, 2 patients have been found in Bastar, now the total number of patients in Bastar has increased to 6.
Doctors say that the new variant of Korona is very light. Most patients do not need to be hospitalized. But in the midst of the changing weather, the concern of the people has definitely increased due to the increasing Kovid cases.
Kovid Hospital prepared in Baikunthpur
Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. RS Sengar says that other viruses become active anyway during the winter season. Therefore a person should be vigilant. Prevention methods should be adopted. He said that 93 -bed with 93 -bed in Baikunthpur and 50 -bed Kovid Hospital in Characha is fully prepared at this time.
No need to panic
Experts say that there is an increase in cases of Corona across the country because the number of Kovid Tests has been increased again. So there is no need to panic. Because no matter how much the number increases, this variant does not show the ability to cause serious illness.
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